About Us
We CARE about our PASTA.
Products handcrafted close to home since 1981.
Please stop by our pasta shop and pick up some fresh pasta on
Monday and Wednesday from 9AM to 5PM.
Other times we are open by chance - look for us delivering our fresh goodness
to the surrounding areas.
What makes our pasta so special? Our traditional Italian machinery produces a delicate tender 256 layer laminated pasta. Every perfect meal starts with a foundation. Your sandwich calls for a quality bread, your glass of wine a special cheese and your pasta dinner needs our fabulous fresh pasta. Pasta Plus pasta stands alone. Your sauce will be that much more amazing when served on pasta that DOES NOT come from a box and takes over 7 minutes to cook!
Remember----it takes longer to boil the water then cook our pasta.
Also, we have other products in addition to our traditional PESTO SAUCE (pine nuts, basil)that are available only in our shop: MARINARA SAUCE, MUSHROOM CREAM SAUCE,
NOTE to the GLUTEN SENSITIVE: We understand your sensitivities. Since we produce so many products using wheat, we are unable guarantee absolutely wheat free pasta.